A brand new localization is now available for JPdfBookmarks, thanks to Igor Buryachenko all russian users can now have JPdfBookmarks in their native language.
The program uses the language of the System on which is running without any user intervention, so if the default locale of your OS is Russian, JPdfBookmarks will automatically start with Russian localization.
If you want to try the new language without waiting for a new release you must build JPdfBookmarks from source, read this old post for a guide on how to build JPdfBookmarks (I suggest to use NetBeans version 6.9.1), the command line parameters to start the program in Russian, when your System language is another, are "-Duser.language=ru -Duser.country=RU".
Thank you very much again to
Igor Buryachenko for his contribution, he did a very good job and has been added to the project as a translator member and documentation editor.